Company News
Report about GUANGZHOU SAT Annual Domestic Sales Summary for 2013 and the Annual Work Plan Meeting for 2014

The headquarter (Guangzhou, China) of Guangzhou SAT Infrared Co., Ltd, held Annual Domestic Sales Summary for 2013 and the Annual Work Plan Meeting for 2014 during February 13 to 14, 2014.

The meeting included a summary of annual sales for 2013, planning for 2014, marketing strategy and business policy etc. Regional Managers of the Domestic Sales Department come back to the company headquarters. Chairman of the Board and Deputy General Manager attend the meeting.

The meeting was hosted by the Domestic Sales Director. The first presentation of meeting is the speech from SATIR chairman Mr. Wu Jiping, who summary GUANGZHOU SAT operation status of 2013. He put forward the sales direction, important plan and expectation to all participants. He also hoped all staff in Domestic sales encourage each other and put it into practice.

The second content of the meeting, Deputy General Manager summarizes the annual domestic sales of 2013 and put forward that the manufacturing of products will work closely with sales, which will provide a full support to domestic sales.

The third content of the meeting is the speech of the domestic sales director. He reports GUANGZHOU SAT’s annual domestic sales of 2013 and the assumption for 2014, and conducts a detailed analysis to the status of 2013 industry sales portfolio, index and company sales Management, point out the core problems and major response.

At the end of the meeting, the country has regional sales manager reporting sales area of jurisdiction and the 2014 completion of the planning work. The Domestic Sales Direstor and each sales manager talk to each other about the marketing problems, which made solutions to support market development. The Domestic Sales Direstor proposed the expectations of the new policies, the new prospects of sales planning and express the expectation of sales in 2014 will make the dream into reality by the efforts from all personnel of domestic sales,.

Based on the more efficient and comprehensive sales management model and related systems, this meeting fully encourages the enthusiasm of all domestic sales. It enhances communication with the regional office and headquarters, also enhances the working efficiency!

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